Leaders in agricultural insurance

AKS Legal is a boutique law firm that has been developing agri-insurance as a separate practice area since 2013. We combine experience of representing clients in the most complex court cases with in-depth knowledge of insurance industry.

We shall certainly be of use to each other. Our acquaintance will certainly be mutually beneficial, especially if you are an agricultural insurer.

  • Споров по агрострахованию

    Litigation disputes in the field of agricultural insurance

    We handled. Largest experience in agri-insurance litigations.

  • Споров выиграли

    Disputes won

    In agrucultural insurance from 2013.

  • Лет на рынке

    Years in market

    All this time we have been engaged in agricultural insurance. More than 15 years in complex litigations.

  • Самых крупных по сумме иска

    We have already won and continue further

    Billions in litigation in animal insurance disputes and the largest plant insurance disputes.

  • Самых крупных по сумме иска

    Helped prepare

    Bills in the field of agricultural insurance.

We are referred by leaders of the agricultural insurance market

Helping with agricultural insurance at all stages

We do almost everything, if not everything, in this field at expert level. Legislation, insurance regulations, claims handling, forensics. We could go on for hours describing this. But agricultural insurance litigation is our forte.

Representing insurers

For many years, we have defended insurers and insurer associations in agricultural insurance litigation - without conflict of interest. We develop case law, which we then apply together with you.

Creating precedents in agricultural insurance

Any compilation of agricultural insurance case law will inevitably include our cases, many of which have become precedents.

Court practice favoring the insurer

Our successful work has resulted in court practice that includes both typical and unique (one-off) agricultural insurance precedents, including:

We advise on all types of agricultural insurance

  • Растения
  • Животные
  • Многолетние насаждения
    Perennial plants
  • Аквакультура
  • Иные формы жизни, если Вы приняли их на страхование
    Other life forms, if you have accepted them for insurance

Minimizing forensic examinations

As you know, their outcome is unpredictable in advance, so we try to ensure that our Client does not participate in the "lottery".

Resisting improper "schemes" and illegal practices

Successfully, because we know in detail how the market works.

AKS legal logo

AKS Legal

Leaders in agricultural insurance

AKS Legal was included in the ratings "PRAVO-300" and "Leaders of the Legal Services Market" of Kommersant " Insurance Law category.

AKS Legal is ranked "PRAVO-300" in the federal ranking of litigators.

Pravo-300 has recognized Kira Svintsova (Partner at AKS Legal) and Ruslan Kozhevnikov (Head of Insurance Law Practice AKS Legal) as recommended lawyers in the field of insurance, as well as the "Rating of Lawyers and Their Companies" by Rossiyskaya Gazeta — in the field of arbitration proceedings.

We would be happy to get to know you — we definitely have areas for cooperation.