
AKS Legal successfully defended children’s clinic chain Yasniy Vzor

AKS Legal succeeded in protecting the interests of children's clinic chain Yasniy Vzor in legal cases on recovery of monies payable to clinics under the mandatory health insurance program. The courts adopted our position and agreed that the convoluted departmental regulation that makes it difficult for patients to seek medical treatment from healthcare institutions under the mandatory health insurance program violates Russian and international law. Yasniy Vzor is the only specialized eye clinic chain in Russia for children and teens from 0 to 18 years. To date, there are 9 clinics in the chain. We wish Yasniy Vzor succeeds in this respected, noble call. In our turn, we are always ready to help.

+7 (495) 627-78-13 +7 (906) 065-73-73 8 Marta St. 1, b.12, BC TRIO, Ent.3, 8th floor Moscow 127083