
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Has Ruled in Favour of AKS Legal Clients in Several Insurance-Related Disputes

Starting from 2022, AKS Legal has been successfully representing the insurers and the National Association of Agricultural Insurers in a range of cases arising out of agricultural insurance agreements.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the Insurance News Agency issued detailed articles on the topic.

The disputes originated from refused insurance payouts for crop failures in the Orenburg Region following the 2021 drought. Insurants in the region filed suits against their insurers.

AKS Legal successfully resolved a total of 19 agricultural insurance disputes, with combined claims exceeding RUB 600 million. Eight of these cases resulted in favorable outcomes for their clients, while the Supreme Court ultimately affirmed the insurers' initial refusals in four of the disputes.

The cases have an essential precedential value for development of the agricultural insurance system. The courts adopted a critical approach in evaluating claims of bad faith by insurants while also providing valuable commentary on various material practical issues relevant to the industry.

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